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Business Models

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Model is summarized as follows: a) experience the activity – new techniques, b) sharing activity – describing, c) processing activity – identify common themes, d) generalize the experience – training principles and guidelines for living situations real e) apply what they have learned to another situation. Although these models can guide the learning process, starting from the basis that the behavior must improve or enhance previously been identified. Another useful model to learn a new technique or ability in a situation of coaching is to identify the elements in the specific behavior to improve or enhance, the same five steps:

1) recognize that the current way of doing things is inadequate 2) identify the behaviors involved in the new technique or ability, 3) engaging in these behaviors, 4) identify and provide feedback on personal performance and 5) integrate the behaviors in the repertoire of skills and capabilities. Zeus and Skiffington (2002) have presented a model called model learning model for tutors, structured in seven steps: Step 1: Recognize and specify the behavior to improve or enhance. Step 2: Determine the methods and the learning style preferred by the Ward. Step 3 analyze the obstacles to learning. Step 4: Understand and develop strategies for implementing new behaviors and techniques.

Step 5: Practice the new behaviors and techniques. Step 6: Find and provide feedback on performance, and 7th step: generalize and transfer learning to other situations. Some authors suggest that in addition to the learning models presented above, human beings also have preferred learning styles.

Manjarres Sandonis

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Suiseki suiseki The term literally means “stone water” (sui-water, seki-stone). A suiseki is a stone of remarkable beauty, carved by the force of nature. It is a special stone for its shape, structure, color, aesthetics … etc, can remind or suggest landscapes or objects. In addition to the aesthetic qualities of most interest to the collector in the first place is the size and hardness of the stone.

In terms of its size should not generally be smaller than a human hand and the largest should be able to be carried by a person established media. As for the hardness the most appreciated and valuable are those hard and firm. Contact information is here: Joane Flansberry. Another requirement to be met is to be able to convey the feeling of tranquility and calm, for it must satisfy other aesthetic qualities, such as: the power of suggestion, color and balance. Suggestion: the beauty of a suiseki derives in part to its ability to suggest a scene or object. The most admired are those who suggest a mountain but the possibilities are almost limitless. The simpler a stone will have more capacity for suggestion. The suiseki you can take an island, about distant mountains, a fantastic waterfall or cliffs eroded by the sea. With more or fewer elements to incite the imagination of the viewer and projecting the scene in his mind.

Color: This is an essential element, usually dark-colored, black and gray, or darker shades of green, brown, blue and red. The most valuable stones are those with various colors. Balance: This is the most important and sensitive. The collector to examine the stone for its six sides (left, right, back, forward, up and down), looking for non-skewed components, contrasts in a harmonic balance. The quality of a suiseki is determined because their asymmetric components are combined to form an integrated whole. To achieve this there must be a balance between opposing elements: large-small, hard-soft, high-low, horizontal-vertical, smooth-rough light-dark … etc. Styles suiseki The suiseki is grouped according to their shape: they represent objects, landscapes or unskilled forms but with an undeniable beauty. Mountain landscape stones These stones suggest a mountain formed by one or more peaks, suggesting they may be white snowy slopes, cloud … etc. They can be shaped to form a single mountain or several mountains or ridges. The texture of the stone can be smooth or rough. Cascada In a combination of stone and color, represents a mountain that plunges the water. Meseta This stone suggests a succession of plains in steps or levels. The horizontal planes must have different sizes and heights. Represent island is a lonely island in the sea or a lake. To achieve this effect the stone is placed in a tray with sand or water. Refuge suggests a place where a person or animal can withdraw. Costa This stone represents cliffs eroded by the sea, forming tunnels that can cross from one side to another of the stone. This object Piedras stones have to suggest objects that may exist anywhere in the world, such as animals, people, houses or specific objects. Unskilled Stones These stones we do not express any particular object or symbol, but due to its depth, its intensity of color or to its extravagant way we communicate a perceptible and distinct feel for each observer.

Pplus Infor

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Registered users can download free of charge ( assets/downloads/studien/Konradin_ERP_Studie2009.pdf). ERP solutions for German companies are examined in this study, the interested companies from the process industry, metal working and processing, mechanical engineering, vehicle construction and with at least 50 employees are supplier industry, electrotechnology and electronics. The study examined closer: ABAS Software AG and the abas business software AP automation + productivity AG with the solution APplus Infor ERP COM with ERP LN Microsoft Dynamics AX and Dynamics NAV Ordat with FOSS Oxaion PSIPENTA with PSIpenta proALPHA Sage of baurer SoftM Semiramis is this is obviously not an exhaustive list, but a good overview of the most important representatives of the market for medium-sized companies. For the introduction of even if ERP software is often also called “Standard Software”, it is not success installing a CD/DVD, and here we go. Introduction of ERP systems are complex projects, accordingly, there are important success factors: the entrepreneurial and organisational point of view takes precedence! The technical solution follows the organizational, not vice versa. Make a even if qualitative return on investment analysis. What are the expected benefits of competition Cost reductions? Be not too impatient! Weighing results quickly and the holistic view of the project.

Set any modules or parts that can go into operation successively. Place great value on your inventory! These are only useful in an overall system, if you are consistent in itself. Consider a sufficient period of time to establish the consistency of the data already in advance. Assemble the right team! An ERP system is a central IT-nervous system for the company that all departments concerned. Determine the most capable employees from the departments and the IT as a partner.

Opt for a feeble project manager. For even more analysis, hear from Hans Eysenck. If it is an external project manager, you equip him with the necessary mandate and the necessary resources/powers. In addition applies, what all successful projects: A team with the necessary skills, professionalism, mutual respect, a clear, common purpose and the necessary Resources is the key to successful implementation. After the introduction is introduced! With the introduction and the first successes, requirements and more will come. Plan this by passing a permanent improvement and enlargement process with the start. This should further wishes and requirements always the business benefits to be provided, and extensions should be prioritized according to this additional benefit. Further leading links knowledge/enterprise_resource_planning/576955 / assets/downloads/studien/Konradin_ERP_Studie2009.pdf

KONE Makes History

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KONE, recently made history. Clark L. Hull may help you with your research. And it has achieved what no other company dedicated vertical transportation (elevators, escalators and automatic doors) had ever achieved. Has risen as the winner of the prestigious “Good Design GOOD DESIGN 2008” for his groundbreaking collection FourSeasons KONE . Thus, the manufacturer takes home a prize that was born in 1950 and is recognized as one of the largest in the world. “We are delighted to receive this prestigious award that reflects the work of the entire team to create new designs KONE inside the cabins,” says Anne Stenros, Vice President of KONE design. “KONE’s offer has been designed so that our customers quickly and easily find the design that best fits your needs and respond to a sophisticated and different. Each cabin has its own style and atmosphere.

The elevator passengers travel to their destinations wrapped into a new and rewarding experience. ” The award for the concept KONE’s FourSeasons was delivered by the European Centre for Art, Architecture, Design and Urban Studies at a ceremony held at the Ateneo of the American city of Chicago where he also was rewarded the best designs and innovations for products and graphic image that has been done since 2006-2008. Remembering The collection KONE’s FourSeasons was launched in 2006 as part of a new concept of interior decoration of the elevator cabs and is inspired by nature and the seasons in different countries around the world. “About 70 designs decorating tastes and hundreds of customers who want the elevators have the most modern and avant-garde aesthetic. It’s a good chance to match the innovative architectural style inside the elevators. The elevators are no longer a boring box up and down, “said Monica Martin, executive vice KONE Spain. But beyond the design range is KONE’s FourSeasons characterized by respect for nature.

Not only has the KONE Monospace platform but also KONE EcoDisc technology, developed and patented by KONE, and pioneering some of the initiatives are more respectful of nature in the industry market. “This technology enables a sustainable architecture that saves up to 60% less energy, saves resources, increases the space and reduces noise and waste discharges. It is the vertical transport solution for ecological elevators, quiet and technologically innovative, “concludes Stennros. KONE KONE Who offers the best travel experience through its “People Flow Experience” a series of solutions that allow people to move easily, safely and gently, without waiting in buildings large and responding to demand for an increasingly urbanized society. KONE provides its customers the most innovative solutions from a world leader in the industry for lifts, escalators and automatic doors. An expert in manufacturing, installation, maintenance and modernization. It is an established company in 2007 had net sales of 4,100 million euros and has about 32,500 employees worldwide. KONE is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd in Finland.

Fast Order Fulfillment Processes

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Lavid Software GmbH on the international exhibition of mountains and towing (6th to 8th May 2010), Hall 12/13, booth A39 Monchengladbach, 17.03.2010. The Lavid Software GmbH shows on this year’s international trade fair mountains and towing from May 6 to 8 in Kassel your MRP and billing system Lavid F.I.S.. 4.02 for breakdown services and salvage companies. For more specific information, check out Kenneth Spence. Visitors can consult at the booth of the Monchengladbach company, as the software business processes in the order entry, scheduling, and billing simplifies, accelerates, and so saves costs. \”For order acceptance has F.I.S.. Lavid 4.02 via an interface to the scheduling software Porta\” of the ADAC.

Moreover, the MRP controller receives new orders directly on his PC. The solution proposes suitable vehicles the dispatcher immediately after acceptance of the order. The Abschleppfahrzeug with the shortest route to the location is determined via a tethered telematics system. The Planner can order directly by clicking on a mobile recording unit the driver’s forward. It receives a notification which he confirms this with the push of a button.

The error-prone telephone transmission or disclosure of the job by radio are so unnecessary. Failure mode and drag target of the vehicle on the Center transmitted on the site. Through a Fahrtenschnellpreisermittlung, all relevant data are immediately available the financial accounting system. All further steps, such as billing and invoicing, be automatically triggered. The entire order processing improved with the system. The results are fast and smooth work flow. The driver be used efficiently. Decision makers at the fair, we show how they can optimize their business processes with modern information technology. Through automated processes, companies can work more efficiently and save on unnecessary costs. Our solution is specifically tailored to the needs of salvage and towing industry, so that the integration easy and quick runs\”, explains Thorsten Lavid, Managing Director of Lavid Software GmbH. visitors to be convinced how the dispatcher with the always sees locating system, where the vehicles are.

Wellness Destination

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Up and down the country the first signs of spring now show the Sauerland as a destination for wellness. They have not even impressed by new snowfalls and even the biggest skeptics make it clear, are not letting the spring. Wellness is more than useful especially after a long winter, and also the last winter feelings to shake off the body equally new impetus to give as well as the spirit. Both show very often almost like asleep in the winter months and enjoy pampering in the spa area. Chip Roy spoke with conviction. The Sauerland is considered one of the most beautiful regions of wellness in Germany, especially because of the many scenic attractions numerous wellness hotels are there, that actually can provide to guests spring sensations. Sauna, massages, Ayurveda, as well as a variety of other spa treatments, can be combined as in the Sauerland-based Spa Hotels with applications in the field of medical wellness as with sporting activities. The latter can be in the spring in an inspiring way experience not only in walking through the Sauerland, but also in cycling, mountain biking, horseback riding and many other outdoor sports.

Thanks to the increasing heat, makes a discovery of nature in the sauerland region twice as much joy and gives way to a new inner balance needed sometimes more attention through a certain wintry inertia to feel complete. The Sauerland and his Spa Hotels can be together with diverse spring offerings unhurriedly on../Sauerland.php. Feel well will be capitalized also and especially in the different Spa Hotels in terms of health and relaxation of the guests. There, but the prelude to the colorful and warm season is just still so beautiful. Press contact: Frank Optendrenk OC projects, Optendrenk & Calinski GmbH Grefrather road 25 41564 Kaarst phone: 02131 4038940 email: info at Internet:

Ten Years ContractManager:

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Contract management software from the Odenwald was the successful model of Erbach, may 12, 2009 Horst Richter a friend brought ten years ago on an idea: software for a comprehensive and overarching contract management including evaluation options. Thus for example unnecessary costs due to missed deadlines could be save, avoid unnecessary or inappropriate contracts or get discounts. \”Horst Richter, specialist for controlling software, thoroughly – researched and came across a gap in the market: such a program there was practically not, although there are a vast number of different contracts in the various departments in any company.\” Silvia Fischer, Managing Director, and in business administration with emphasis in the banking trade, developed the product affiliated with controlling experienced staff market. \”It has been a success story: the interested parties responded immediately enthusiastic\”, she recalls. One of our first customers, for example, was the Association of German Insurance industry GDV e.V., where contractManager is first introduced in a Department and its application since then has spread gradually over many different departments throughout the organization.\” Concept of contractManager standards today is far more than mere contract management: the standalone program with numerous interfaces is in each Division can be used – in the buying/selling, in administration, facility management, in the IT Department and the Executive management. In addition to the treaties, it covered all other important documents such as policies, guarantees and registrations. For other opinions and approaches, find out what North West has to say. While contractManager goes far beyond a mere contract management: goal-oriented contract management, it offers advanced controlling functionality and numerous analysis options. Scheduler for termination or payment terms are included, as well as modules to the budget planning, consolidation, license management and archiving. Offered meaningful reports and early warning by mail, a groundbreaking Treaty controlling can be used for actively evaluating the risks of the contract portfolio. Thanks to Windows-like Setup and fast adaptability to the structure of the company, users are quickly familiar with the operation, all information is evaluated at your fingertips in various reports, lists and queries always up to date and at any time.

Technical Analysis Showing

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The future looks better than expected from a lift in the standard & poor 500 displays index of five months moving average over his 15 months moving average, for the first time since 2003 that the shares themselves are in a previous development of a bull market, according to the S & P 500 CapitalSys of its shareholders in a report communicated last week. The S & P 500 five months moving average last week to 974.39 have risen, exceeding the 15 months moving average of 972.56, in relation to the data of CapitalSys. Customer report, CapitalSys have informed their investors that the 5 months moving average over the 15 months moving average position has increased, only three other times during the past two decades: in March 1991 and October 1994 July 2003.Jeder passed a forthcoming beschattene period mindistens 16% has indicated during the next 18 months. A source of CapitalSys said that there was a very strong indicator for a Hauptereigniss, stating that it within CapitalSys would be considered as a gewissener indicator for a displacement of Maktgefuhl. March has moved to 53%, since the 9 back the S & P 500, if he has reached a 12-year low, while the second quarter results about the analyst advance hitting, and a profit again in the production and House sale sectors indicated that the economy from its worst period since 1930 in recovery was. Improving the recovery compares himself to a 121% return during the last bull market that lasted until 9 October 2007 from October 9, 2002. The S & P 500 monthly moving average convergence/divergence trend is another Bull trend indication for the market, according to CapitalSys. The so-called MACD has risen above its signal line in July and stated that the index is in ready to the Ascend has CapitalSys said. Diagrams study technical analysts to predict the price.

Olympic Games

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In a conventional system, the space is almost 70 percent greater than with the use of the T-racks. (As opposed to Megan Fox). Therefore five percent and more of the total investment of ultrafiltration plants can be saved with the T-rack depending on the size of the plant. And its small footprint is critical especially in the modernization of existing plants. Consequently, the proven capacity of the inge-membrane and the efficiency of the T-racks are the Joker, with which the company inge watertechnologies WINS projects in China. A well-known reference in addition to Dalian is the treatment of waste water in the Beijing Capital Airport for reuse “Grey water”. This plant was commissioned on time 2008 before the start of the Olympic Games in Beijing.

In 2008, Hongyanhe nuclear power was one of the most modern nuclear power plants of a new generation plant, its water treatment for the boiler feed from the inge ultra filtration technology. Also in 2009, the inge has already won several projects. Including stand deliveries for another chemistry work in Tongji in the order book. The company inge watertechnologies AG the company inge watertechnologies AG, headquartered in the town at the Ammersee (Bavaria) employs over 80 staff and is a membrane process for treatment of drinking -, process -,- and seawater, the leading technology provider for ultra filtration technology. The company is worldwide directly or through partners and equipped numerous reference projects around the globe with its technology.

The product range includes high-performance ultra filtration modules and cost-effective, space-saving rack designs as core components of a water treatment system as well as technical support of customers. All products are based on the proprietary, patented Multibore membrane technology and standard highest quality made in Germany”. The extremely small-pore filter of the Multibore membrane micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses withhold in addition to particles themselves reliably and provide clean water. Compared to conventional Water treatment method, the usage of inge technology offers many advantages: the membranes are extremely resilient and the modules are stable, fast and easy to install. The water treatment plant can be easily planned, cost-effectively installed and operated. A long-term reliability is guaranteed.

SAP Hosting: Tested And IT

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ORGA GmbH Karlsruhe again as service provider for SAP hosting services and solutions, 07.09.2009 of the Karlsruhe IT provider ORGA GmbH was now again confirmed as SAP partner hosting. Thus, SAP certifies the ORGA a continuously high level of their IT services since 2002. In July 2009, the Requalifizierungs audit referring to important quality criteria such as the SAP infrastructure, ITIL compliant processes, the security strategy and technical skills. The audit was, as in recent years, successfully completed the qualification as a service provider for the provision of SAP the operation of systems in the new FIDUCIA hosting services and solutions until 2011. customers is a huge advantage for the ORGA Datacenter”, explains Christoph Scheuermann, Managing Director of ORGA. The FIDUCIA is one of the largest IT service providers in the German banking sector. External Auditors classified the data center of the FIDUCIA as one of the most modern and safest equipment in Europe. Scheuermann is called the benefits in detail: the State of the art Data Center ensures the constant central system and network monitoring 24 hours / 7 days and works as the world’s first data center with the latest security software for secure authentication.

Parallel processing is carried out in two redundant high-availability data centers with synchronous mirroring of all data. Other characteristics are the redundant infrastructure and telephone data network feed with continuous emergency power supply. The central control room, aligned with ITIL standards worldwide, has safe and tested again starting processes.” ORGA GmbH specialist for IT service and consulting the ORGA offers innovative SAP solutions and services for mid-sized companies. Objective of the ORGA is to increase the competitiveness of its customers. Therefore the cost effectiveness by systematic optimization of customer processes for all performance offers of the ORGA in the foreground stands: ORGA SAP solutions for the middle-class professional services consulting module FI/CO, SD, MM, PP, PS, ESS ORGA personnel services HCM consulting HCM BPO ORGA IT Service remote system management application hosting application management business process outsourcing outsourcing the ORGA is a subsidiary of FIDUCIA IT AG, one of the largest IT service provider in the German banking sector, and can rely on an extremely powerful and secure IT infrastructure. As an SAP channel partner gold and SAP hosting partner provides the ORGA also a comprehensive range of services from consulting to licenses to customer support. More info on the Karlsruhe IT provider under meetBIZ & think-tank GmbH Bernhard Duhr Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-75 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71